Monday 26 April 2010

Vegetable Garden Design

Raised beds are a gardening favorite for many reasons. they have long been a favorite of apartment dwellers since beds can be constructed in any form to require advantage of small or odd spaces and are easily disassembled for moving.
Raised garden beds additionally allow those who can now not kneel to the bottom or stand again from a kneeling position to continue gardening. they'll even be constructed for wheelchair accessibility. constructed therefore the gardener can reach across the bed, they are sometimes less than 4 feet across when accessible from all aspects and less than thirty inches when accessible from one side only.
On e major advantage of raised bed gardening is simple soil control. The raised gardener is not limited to their areas native soil. Since different vegetables thrive in several soil conditions, getting premixed soil can be a price effective thanks to assure the proper soil balance for each kind of plant.